
Thanks for visiting my website. I am a singer/songwriter from Ballynanty Beg in the north-side of Limerick City in Ireland. My songs are born from my experiences and observations. I have a passion for Reggae music and writing music in the reggae genre allows me to tell my story in a simple, authentic way.

Check out “Karl Canty” and “The End” for a sample of my reggae music, while “Givin’ It All Away” and “Love Is Made” are more Irish Folk. The track “Lift Me Away” is a rock song while “Lois Lane” is more upbeat.

Follow my socials (see below) and stay in touch as exciting new content is added regularly.

In the meantime, have an oul listen…


Or on Apple Music here…


“The No.3 Bus Home” EP

Check out the most recent release from Jeffo Nesta.

“Circus Dances” album

The debut album.

For enquiries, please email: contact@jeffonesta.com or info@ballabopmusic.com.

Stay happy. Slàn!

©2025 Ballabop Music